What is California Pacific Airlines (4A) baggage policy?
- First two checked bags are free.
- A traditional "checked bag" is also accepted as a gate-checked bag
- You are allowed one small personal item
Please refer California Pacific Airlines' (4A) contract of carriage for additional information, limitations and dimensions.
What is California Pacific Airlines (4A) carry-on baggage policy?
California Pacific Airlines (4A) allows one small personal item
NOTE: Bulkhead seats do not have under seat storage, therefore, all carry-on baggage must be stowed in the overhead bin during take-off and landing.
What is California Pacific Airlines (4A) fee for excess baggage?
What is California Pacific Airlines (4A) fee for oversize baggage?
Are there fees for sports equipment on California Pacific Airlines (4A)?
Some equipment based on size is allowed as a free checked bag. Items that are larger are subject to a $50 fee. Specifics can be found here.