1 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 A has extra legroom but the proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
1 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 D has extra legroom but the proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
1 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 F has extra legroom but the proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
10 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 A is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
10 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 C is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
10 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 D is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
10 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 F is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
11 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 A is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
11 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 C is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
11 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 D is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
11 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 F is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
12 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 A is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
12 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 C is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
12 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 D is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
12 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 F is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
13 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 13 A is a standard Economy seat. |
13 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 13 C is a standard Economy seat. |
13 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 13 D is a standard Economy seat. |
13 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 13 F is a standard Economy seat. |
14 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 14 A is a standard Economy seat. |
14 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 14 C is a standard Economy seat. |
14 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 14 D is a standard Economy seat. |
14 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 14 F is a standard Economy seat. |
15 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 A is a standard Economy seat. |
15 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 C is a standard Economy seat. |
15 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 D is a standard Economy seat. |
15 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 F is a standard Economy seat. |
16 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 A is a standard Economy seat. |
16 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 C is a standard Economy seat. |
16 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 D is a standard Economy seat. |
16 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 F is a standard Economy seat. |
17 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 A is a standard Economy seat. |
17 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 C is a standard Economy seat. |
17 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 D is a standard Economy seat. |
17 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 F is a standard Economy seat. |
18 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 18 A is a standard Economy seat with a misaligned window. |
18 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 18 C is a standard Economy seat. |
18 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 18 D is a standard Economy seat. |
18 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 18 F is a standard Economy seat with a misaligned window. |
19 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 19 A is a standard Economy seat that has a misaligned window. |
19 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 19 C is a standard Economy seat. |
19 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 19 D is a standard Economy seat. |
19 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 19 F is a standard Economy seat that has a misaligned window. |
2 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 A is a standard First Class seat. |
2 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 D is a standard First Class seat. |
2 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 F is a standard First Class seat. |
20 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 20 A is a standard Economy seat that has a misaligned window. |
20 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 20 C is a standard Economy seat. |
20 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 20 D is a standard Economy seat. |
20 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 20 F is a standard Economy seat that has a misaligned window. |
21 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 A is a standard Economy seat. |
21 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 C is a standard Economy seat. |
21 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 D is a standard Economy seat. |
21 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 F is a standard Economy seat. |
22 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 A is a standard Economy seat. |
22 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 C is a standard Economy seat, however, the proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
22 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 D is a standard Economy seat, however, the proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
22 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 F is a standard Economy seat. |
23 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 A may have limited recline. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
23 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 C may have limited recline. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
23 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 D may have limited recline. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
23 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 F may have limited recline. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. |
3 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 A is a standard First Class seat. |
3 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 D is a standard First Class seat. |
3 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 F is a standard First Class seat. |
4 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 A is a standard First Class seat. |
4 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 D is a standard First Class seat. |
4 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 F is a standard First Class seat. |
8 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 A has extra legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. |
8 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 C has extra legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. However, the seat is often bumped by other flyers. There is no floor storage available at this seat. |
8 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 D has extra legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. |
8 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 F has extra legroom due to the position of the bulkhead. |
9 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 A is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
9 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 C is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
9 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 D is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
9 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 F is a standard Main Cabin Extra seat. |
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Read user reviews for American Airlines Embraer ERJ-175 (E75) Layout 1