1 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 A has restricted legroom. |
1 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 B has extra legroom. |
1 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 C has extra legroom. |
1 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 D has extra legroom. |
1 E |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 E is a standard Economy rear facing seat that may have limited legroom. |
1 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 F is a standard Economy rear facing seat that may have limited legroom. |
10 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 A may have extra legroom. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
10 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 B may have extra legroom. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
10 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 C may have extra legroom. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
10 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 D may have extra legroom. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
11 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 A is a standard Economy seat. |
11 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 B is a standard Economy seat. |
11 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 C is a standard Economy seat. |
11 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 D is a standard Economy seat. |
12 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 A is a standard Economy seat however, the proximity to the galley may be bothersome. |
12 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 B is a standard Economy seat however, the proximity to the galley may be bothersome. |
12 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 C is a standard Economy seat however, the proximity to the galley may be bothersome. |
12 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 D is a standard Economy seat however, the proximity to the galley may be bothersome. |
2 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 A is a standard Economy seat. |
2 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 B is a standard Economy seat. |
2 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 C is a standard Economy seat with extra legroom. |
2 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 D is a standard Economy seat with extra legroom. |
3 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 A is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
3 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 B is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
3 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 C is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
3 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 D is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
4 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 A is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
4 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 B is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
4 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 C is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
4 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 D is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
5 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 A is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
5 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 B is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
5 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 C is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
5 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 D is a standard Economy seat, however, the noise from the propellers may be bothersome. |
6 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 A is a standard Economy seat. |
6 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 B is a standard Economy seat. |
6 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 C is a standard Economy seat. |
6 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 D is a standard Economy seat. |
7 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 A is a standard Economy seat. |
7 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 B is a standard Economy seat. |
7 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 C is a standard Economy seat. |
7 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 D is a standard Economy seat. |
8 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 A is a standard Economy seat. |
8 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 B is a standard Economy seat. |
8 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 C is a standard Economy seat. |
8 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 D is a standard Economy seat. |
9 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 A is a standard Economy seat. |
9 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 B is a standard Economy seat. |
9 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 C is a standard Economy seat. |
9 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 D is a standard Economy seat. |
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